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Is it better to work for a large company or a small company?

For example, a large company might consist of over 500+ employees. A small company might consist of 100 or less employees.

Answers (2)

Robert Derbyshire

I've often wondered about this question. I see the advantages and disadvantages of each as follows: Large company- Advantages: Recognition from others; good support; (probably) good salary and benefits; being involved with large, well-run services. Disadvantages: Likely to do a single limited job; more difficult to grow; day is taken up by meetings; less of an inclusive, family atmosphere. Small company- Advantages: Able to grow with the company; try many different jobs; know everyone in the office; room to try things out (as mistakes go less noticed). Disadvantages: Less collective experience in the company to learn from; support mechanisms less likely to be in place; less recognition from others; lower salary (potentially).

02:58, 19 December 2011


It completely depends on what you want to get from the job. Large companies tend to have more job security and predefined promotion routes, whereas smaller companies are often seen as having friendlier work environments and are better at recognizing the individual talents of their employees.

02:50, 19 December 2011

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